Type of Event | Accident |
Event Date | 12/21/1982 |
Event Day of the Week | Tuesday |
Time of Event | 1220 |
Event Time Zone | Eastern Standard Time |
Event City | LYNCHBURG |
Event State | VIRGINIA |
Event Country | -- |
Zipcode of the event site | 24501 |
Event Date Year | 1982 |
Event Date Month | 12 |
MidAir Collision Indicator | No |
On Ground Collision occurred ? | No |
Event Location Latitude | -- |
Event Location Longitude | -- |
Event Location Airport | FALWELL |
Event Location Nearest Airport ID | |
Indicates whether the acc/inc occurred off or on an airport | On Airport |
Distance from airport in statute miles | 0 |
Degrees magnetic from airport | 0 |
Airport Elevation | 0 |
Weather Briefing Completeness | Full |
Investigator's weather source | Unknown |
Time of the weather observation | 0 |
Direction of event from weather observation facility (degrees) | 0 |
Weather Observation Facility ID | |
Elevation of weather observation facility | 0 |
Distance of event from weather observation facility (units?) | 0 |
Time Zone of the weather observation | |
Lighting Conditions | Day |
Lowest Ceiling Height | 0 |
Lowest Non-Ceiling Height | 0 |
Sky/Lowest/Cloud Conditions | Clear |
Sky Condition for Lowest Ceiling | Unknown |
Visibility Runway Visual Range (Feet) | 0 |
Visibility Runway Visual Value (Statute Miles) | 0 |
Visibility (Statute Miles) | 45 |
Air Temperature at event time (in degrees celsius) | 41 |
Dew Point at event time (in degress fahrenheit) | 0 |
Wind Direction (degrees magnetic) | 320 |
Variable Wind Indicator | Unknown |
Wind Speed (knots) | 11 |
Wind Velocity Indicator | Unknown |
Wind Gust Indicator | Unknown |
Wind Gust (knots) | 0 |
Altimeter Setting at event time (in. Hg) | 30 |
Density Altitude (feet) | 0 |
Intensity of Precipitation | Unknown |
METAR weather report | -- |
Event Highest Injury | Serious |
On Ground, Fatal Injuries | 0 |
On Ground, Minor Injuries | 0 |
On Ground, Serious Injuries | 0 |
Injury Total Fatal | -- |
Injury Total Minor | -- |
Injury Total None | -- |
Injury Total Serious | 1 |
Injury Total All | 1 |
Investigating Agency | FAA |
NTSB Docket Number (internal use) | 2764 |
NTSB Notification Source | -- |
NTSB Notification Date | -- |
NTSB Notification Time | 0 |
Fiche Number and/or location -used to find docket information | |
Date of most recent change to record | Oct 31 2002 4:04PM |
User who most recently changed record | NTSB\ZUZL |
Basic weather conditions | Visual Meteorological Cond |
FAA District Office | -- |
Aircraft Involved |
Aircraft #1 |
Aircraft Registration Number | N11181 |
NTSB Number | ATL83FID03 |
Missing Aircraft Indicator | N |
Federal Aviation Reg. Part | Part 91: General Aviation |
Type of Flight Plan filed | VFR |
Flight plan Was Activated? | -- |
Damage | Destroyed |
Aircraft Fire | None |
Aircraft Explosion | None |
Aircraft Manufacturer's Full Name | CESSNA |
Aircraft Model | 150 |
Aircraft Series Identifier | 150 |
Aircraft Serial Number | 15075241 |
Certified Max Gross Weight | 1600 |
Aircraft Category | Airplane |
Aircraft Registration Class | Unknown |
Aircraft is a homebuilt? | No |
Flight Crew Seats | -- |
Cabin Crew Seats | -- |
Passenger Seats | -- |
Total number of seats on the aircraft | 2 |
Number of Engines | 1 |
Fixed gear or retractable gear | Fixed |
Aircraft, Type of Last Inspection | Unknown |
Date of Last Inspection | -- |
Airframe hours since last inspection | 66 |
Airframe Hours | 4528 |
ELT Installed | Yes |
ELT Activated | Unknown |
ELT Aided Location of Event Site | Unknown |
ELT Type | -- |
Aircraft Owner Name | FALWELL AVIA. INC. |
Aircraft Owner Street Address | |
Aircraft Owner City | LYNCHBURG |
Aircraft Owner State | VA |
Aircraft Owner Country | |
Aircraft Owner Zipcode | |
Operator is an individual? | -- |
Operator Name | FALWELL AVIA. INC. |
Operator Same as Owner? | Yes |
Operator Is Doing Business As | -- |
Operator Address Same as Owner? | Yes |
Operator Street Address | |
Operator City | LYNCHBURG |
Operator State | VA |
Operator Country | |
Operator Zip code | |
Operator Code | |
Owner has at least one certificate | Yes - certificate holder |
Other Operator of large aircraft? | No |
Certified for Part 133 or 137 Operation | Unknown |
Operator Certificate Number | -- |
Indicates whether an air carrier operation was scheduled or not | -- |
Indicates Domestic or International Flight | -- |
Operator carrying Pax/Cargo/Mail | -- |
Type of Flying (Per_Bus / Primary) | Instructional |
Second Pilot on Board | No |
Departure Point Same as Event | No |
Departure Airport Code | |
Departure City | MARTINSVILLE |
Departure State | VA |
Departure Country | |
Departure Time | 1215 |
Departure Time Zone | |
Destination Same as Local Flt | crash at destination city |
Destination Airport Code | 4A7 |
Destination City | HAMPTON |
Destination State | GA |
Destination Country | |
Specific Phase of Flight | Landing |
Report sent to ICAO? | -- |
Evacuation occurred | -- |
Date of most recent change to record | Sep 18 2002 4:50PM |
User who most recently changed record | dbo |
Since inspection or accident | -- |
Event Location Runway Number and Location | 28 |
Runway Length | 2900 |
Runway Width | 100 |
Sight Seeing flight | No |
Air Medical Flight | No |
Medical Flight | -- |