Aircraft Registrations
(page 421)

Alabama is ranked #27 in the United States for aircraft registrations with a total of 4,268 registered aircraft.

1,893 (44% of total) of the aircraft are individually owned and 1,932 (45% of total) are corporate owned.

The remaining registration types are split among partnership(25), Co-Owned(260), Government(155), Non-Citizen Corporation (3), Non-Citizen Co-Owned (0)

The most popular aircraft model registered in Alabama is the Cessna 182T with a total of 186 registrations.

Download the entire Alabama list of aircraft owners and registration data to your computer/laptop/phone

Alabama List of Registered Aircraft

* Registered Addresses and all other registration data available with a Membership or Data Download
* Registered Addresses and all other registration data available with a Membership or Data Download