Alaska is ranked #6 in the United States for aircraft registrations with a total of 8,990 registered aircraft.
5,060 (56% of total) of the aircraft are individually owned and 2,233 (25% of total) are corporate owned.
The remaining registration types are split among partnership(129), Co-Owned(1,407), Government(155), Non-Citizen Corporation (6), Non-Citizen Co-Owned (0)
The most popular aircraft model registered in Alaska is the Piper PA-18-150 with a total of 793 registrations.
N-Number | Aircraft Registrant Name | Registered Address | Certificate Issue Date | Aircraft Manufacturer & Model | Year Mfr | AirWorthiness Date |
N5602M | Dakota Stedingh | * | 11/07/2020 | TAYLORCRAFT BC12D-85 | 1948 | 06/02/1956 |
N602LB | Dale Adams | * | 02/03/2022 | DAY MARDELL H S-7 KITFOX | 2011 | 06/03/2011 |
N4963L | Dale Bakk | * | 10/28/1981 | PIPER PA-28-180 | 1967 | -- |
N788DC | Dale Clark | * | 02/22/1989 | CLARK DALE D AVID FLYER | -- | 02/22/1989 |
N2072Y | Dale Conover | * | 04/23/2008 | CONOVER DALE L TUNDRA PUP | 1989 | 01/26/1990 |
N6304V | Dale Conover | * | 03/17/1989 | HELIO H-295 | 1965 | 11/29/1965 |
N50204 | Dale Griner | * | 05/15/2007 | INFINITY COMMANDER | 2006 | 09/17/2007 |
N757VW | Dale Heckert | * | 09/30/2020 | CESSNA 152 | 1977 | 07/29/1977 |
N611JH | Dale Herr | * | 03/27/2020 | HANKINSON JOHN KITFOX 2 | -- | 05/01/1991 |
N9512 | Dale Isakson | * | 04/12/2023 | JAKULSKI STEVEN GLASTAR | 2003 | 03/22/2003 |