California is ranked #2 in the United States for aircraft registrations with a total of 24,544 registered aircraft.
11,646 (47% of total) of the aircraft are individually owned and 8,435 (34% of total) are corporate owned.
The remaining registration types are split among partnership(401), Co-Owned(3,354), Government(482), Non-Citizen Corporation (224), Non-Citizen Co-Owned (2)
The most popular aircraft model registered in California is the Cessna 172N with a total of 376 registrations.
N-Number | Aircraft Registrant Name | Registered Address | Certificate Issue Date | Aircraft Manufacturer & Model | Year Mfr | AirWorthiness Date |
N3035X | 29 Soaring Club Inc | * | 10/06/2014 | CESSNA 150F | 1966 | 07/06/1966 |
N272DD | 2Dd Aviation Llc | * | 03/07/2023 | DIAMOND AIRCRAFT IND INC DA 62 | 2023 | 02/21/2023 |
N519TM | 2Nbm Consulting Inc | * | 08/07/2014 | DIAMOND AIRCRAFT IND INC DA 40 | 2007 | 06/26/2007 |
N26MF | 2Nd Amendment Consulting And Design Llc | * | 03/13/2024 | CESSNA 177B | -- | -- |
N162SR | 3 Brothers Plaza Llc | * | 01/28/2023 | CIRRUS DESIGN CORP SR22 | 2006 | 12/27/2006 |
N733QA | 3 Brothers Plaza Llc | * | 05/23/2023 | CESSNA 172N | 1976 | 01/21/1977 |
N449AK | 3 Danes And A Moose Llc | * | 02/16/2024 | AVIAT AIRCRAFT INC A-1C-180 | 2023 | 04/17/2023 |
N833SD | 3 Sierra Delta Llc | * | 02/26/2007 | CIRRUS DESIGN CORP SR22 | 2007 | 01/17/2007 |
N830MG | 303Sd Llc | * | 12/27/2018 | CESSNA 650 | 1991 | 09/24/1991 |
N532JM | 31 Pine Street Llc | * | 12/01/2023 | TEXTRON AVIATION INC 680A | 2023 | 11/28/2023 |