New Jersey is ranked #36 in the United States for aircraft registrations with a total of 2,707 registered aircraft.
1,333 (49% of total) of the aircraft are individually owned and 1,189 (44% of total) are corporate owned.
The remaining registration types are split among partnership(10), Co-Owned(134), Government(30), Non-Citizen Corporation (11), Non-Citizen Co-Owned (0)
The most popular aircraft model registered in New Jersey is the Piper PA-28-140 with a total of 57 registrations.
N-Number | Aircraft Registrant Name | Registered Address | Certificate Issue Date | Aircraft Manufacturer & Model | Year Mfr | AirWorthiness Date |
N46312 | John Neary | * | 01/17/2014 | CESSNA 172K | 1968 | 08/07/1968 |
N5860E | John Neary | * | 02/28/2000 | CESSNA 150 | 1959 | 05/29/1959 |
N6254T | John Neary | * | 08/10/1995 | CESSNA 150E | 1964 | 11/05/1964 |
N31ML | John Neumeister | * | 09/03/1998 | AEROTEK PITTS S-2A | 1974 | 12/04/1974 |
N36139 | John Neumeister | * | 04/14/2014 | BELLANCA 8KCAB | 1973 | 07/31/1973 |
N741J | John O'connor | * | 11/13/2019 | JABIRU USA SPORT AIRCRAFT LLC J230-SP | 2011 | 08/04/2011 |
N9205B | John Orlando | * | 07/05/2007 | COSMOS PHASE 2 | 1995 | 12/15/2009 |
N2CY | John Pallante | * | 12/17/2018 | MOONEY M20J | -- | 06/25/1986 |
N331PS | John Panchesine | * | 10/17/2012 | VANS AIRCRAFT INC RV-12 | 2013 | 06/23/2013 |
N49152 | John Price | * | 06/18/2002 | AERONCA 0-58B | 1942 | 03/28/1957 |